Creating a Simple Plugin Task We'll take our last plugin and adding a simple task to it that tells the user when 10 seconds has past.
First, go to your "Main.php" folder and create a new folder called "tasks".
Create a new file called "MyTask.php".
And put those contents inside of it.
<?php // As always when you start a PHP file
namespace ExampleName\tasks; // Use the same namespace as in your first file but add a \tasks who symbolise that this file is in the subfolder "tasks"
use pocketmine\scheduler\Task; // This is the class that your task will extends to be a plugin task
use ExampleName\Main; // This will allow us to use our main class. It is a required argument for a plugin task.
class MyTask extends Task{ // Remember that your task must have the same name as your file !
// First we need a __construct function which is used when you create a class to set default variables, ect...
public function __construct(Main $main, string $playername){ // The arguments you define here depends on what do you want to do exept for your base.
$this->main = $main; //You can retrieve your main class at anytime and use it's methods on your class by using $this->getOwner()
$this->playername = $playername; // So we can retreive the player for later.
// Then we'll create an onRun funtion wich will be called when the time has past to the execution of the task
public function onRun(int $tick){ // $tick is the current server tick when the task executes
$player = $this->getOwner()->getServer()->getPlayer($this->playername()); // This retreive the main class with $this->getOwner() then asks the server for the player with the name $this->playername
if($player instanceof Player){ // Basicly checks if the player we retreive is online.
$player->sendMessage("10 seconds has past!"); // Sends him a message !
// Then we create a getOwner function to return the Main class
public function getOwner() : Main{
return $this->main;
That's it you created a task ! Now we'll see how to execute it.
First we will make it execute 1 time, but delayed
In your main class, where you did your "test" command.
$task = new tasks\MyTask($this, $sender->getName()); // Create the new class Task by calling
$this->getScheduler()->scheduleDelayedTask($task, 10*20); // Counted in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks)
So the player will receive a message 10 seconds after he executed the command /test !
But now, what if we want the player to receive a message each 10 seconds?
Well, there's a special function for that! We don't even need to change the task!
$task = new tasks\MyTask($this, $sender->getName()); // Create the new class Task by calling
$this->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask($task, 10*20); // Counted in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks)
Don't forget to import pocketmine\scheduler\TaskScheduler