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The Basics

Here we will teach you all of the items of code that are required in order for the plugin to work.


namespace ExampleName;
//This should be the subfolder of the src directory. Based off of the folder structure example in "plugin.yml".

// Next, we need to add a "use" statement:
use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;

// Then, we type the class statement:
class Main extends PluginBase{
* This has a very simple format:
* class (The File Name) extends PluginBase {


onEnable() Function

After the Class statement we add the onEnable() function and in it we add a message to the console everytime the plugin enables.


namespace ExampleName;

use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;

class Main extends PluginBase{

public function onEnable(){ // the onEnable() function
$this->getLogger()->info("Plugin has been Enabled"); //A message every time the plugin enables


You can also use onLoad() and onDisable() function the same way.

  public function onLoad(){
$this->getLogger()->info("Loading Plugin");

public function onDisable(){
$this->getLogger()->info("Plugin Disabled");